Sunday, February 12, 2006

GOP Christofascist bastards

Our primary mission here at ODP Watch is to reform the Ohio Democratic Party into a smooth functioning organization that accomplishes it's goals. But an issue concerning the Ohio GOP just came up and we can no longer be silent. Put plainly, the Ohio GOP should be ashamed of itself. We're talking never-show-your-face-in-Ohio kind of shame. The kind of shame that comes with being identified as a child molester or wife beater. Yeah you assholes, that's how we look at you. Of course, this ties into what we were speaking of last week when we outlined a brief history of Christian fascism in this country and how it related to recent events right here in Ohio.

Three weeks ago Paul Hackett refered to the Christian Right as "nuts". If you want some background read the previous post right here at ODP Watch. Hackett was roundly criticized by the GOP hacks who refered to his comments as "bigoted". What a laugh. You want to see some bigotry? OK, here you's called HB515 or what we refer to at ODP Watch as the "Get Out The Ignorant Fundamentalist Vote Act Of 2006". It attempts to prohibit gay people from adopting children. Yes. You heard us right. To the fundamentalist knuckledraggers gay people are mental defectives, predators and perverts. Three weeks ago Mr. Hackett was criticized by these right wing lunatics for telling it like it is, that these people are religious fanatics, that they're nuts (and they are). Few, if any, Democrats stepped up to the plate to state the obvious and support Hackett's position which shows what a bunch of cowardly and inept fence straddlers Ohio Democrats really are. Ineptness we can work with. It's outright backwardness, stupidity and phoney piousness that we loathe. Just chalk this up to yet another example of how the fundamentalist movement in this country has completly taken over the GOP.

It's not like we can't see through this transparent attempt by the GOP to get fundies to the polls. Hell, it worked with gay marriage in 2004, why shouldn't this work just as well? Maybe in 2008 they'll come up with yet another phoney referendum like the "No More Gay People In City Parks Initiative" or the "No Parakeets For Gay People Act Of 2008". The variations on this basic theme of hatred towards gay people could provide the GOP with an endless supply of irate fundamentalists at the polls for the next six election cycles. Lucky us.

We here at the collective need to hear from Democratic leaders on this issue STAT. No more coddling of the pious will be tolerated. Do you agree with Paul Hackett or don't you? Send a message to the idiots who sponsored this bill. Here's a rogues gallery if there ever was one. Call them and vent your anger.

Ron Hood (R-91)
Telephone: (614) 466-2500
Email Address:

Tom Brinkman Jr (R-34)
Telephone: (614) 644-6886
Email Address:

Linda Reidelbach (R-21)
Telephone: (614) 644-6030
Email Address:

John R. Willamowski (R-04)
Telephone: (614) 466-9624
Email Address:

Derrick Seaver (R-78)
Telephone: (614) 466-1507
Email Address:

James M. Hoops (R-75)
Telephone: (614) 466-3760
Email Address:

Danny R. Bubp (R-88)
Telephone: (614) 644-6034
Email Address:

Mike Gilb (R-76)
Telephone: (614) 466-3819
Email Address:

Stephen Buehrer (R-74)
Telephone: (614) 644-5091
Email Address:

Tim Schaffer (R-05)
Telephone: (614) 466-8100
Email Address:

Remember..."Save The Parakeets in 08"!


Blogger Paul Ackerman said...

Jean Herendeen Ackerman, Democratic candidate for House District 21, has issued a press release about this.

Click On this link on Buckeye Senate Blog to read more.

11:20 AM  

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