Sunday, July 09, 2006

Around the Horn

Here are some fine articles we'd like you to see. Happy reading!

The End Of Cowboy Diplomacy from Time magazine HERE. (You'll need to watch a brief commercial first)

Cenk Uygur's latest blog commentary on Joe Lieberman HERE.

Louisiana finally bans internet hunting HERE.

The New York Times has a piece about an ally warning Bush about intelligence activities HERE.

A wonderful blog post by Ohio's premier muckraker, Bob Fitrakis HERE. as well as another with Harvey Wassermann at FreePress.Org HERE.

And thank God the casinos are open again HERE.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Connie Schultz at the Huffington Post

Read Connie's blog entry at the HuffPo HERE.

What can "they" do to you Connie? Not nearly as much as what the Plain Dealer could do to Tim Russo. Talk is cheap. What we'd like to see here at ODP Watch is more action. Call the neo-cons the liars that they are and name names. Make believers out of us.

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